Here I am. Sitting in a stupid seat, in a room full of idiots; one of them dumber than the next or previous, but obviously that’s excluding me. Where am I? In what possible place can I be where everyone is an idiot? Law school of course. Everyone in law school is an absolute idiot. I bet you’re saying to yourself, “How can people in law school be idiots? You have to be pretty smart to be in law school.” Well that question/statement that you’ve just made puts you in the same group of idiots that I’m addressing in this post, so congratulate yourself in the fact that you too can be a lawyer and go take the LSAT. The majority of people in law school don’t know how to function in regular society. They don’t know how to use their brains in a way that would allow them to solve everyday real life problems, but they do know how to copiously copy down crap the idiot professor spews out and then memorize it and regurgitate back what the professor says. Then the one who regurgitate it back the most closely to what the professor says and also fans the professor universe size ego gets the best grade (and no I’m not doing bad in law school so don’t think that I’m a disgruntled law student). Why am I in law school with these idiots? Well, truthfully I looked at my life after college and saw that I had nothing to do and decided to go to law school (ingenious, right?).
Law schools started because a group of these people somehow realized the fact that they are idiots and in order for them to make themselves feel better they decided to make a school where they can all conjure together in an attempt to get into intellectual conversation together to make rules that everyone else needs to follow so that they can all be on a level playing field with society at large. It’s kind of like me playing basketball against Michael Jordan and telling him that he has to have his right hand tied behind his back, he has to play on his knees, and he can only shoot outside shots from half court. From this I hope you see how easy it will be for me to win, this same thing works for these “law students.” For some reason all of them think they are smarter than each other and that sharing their opinion in class will somehow mean something and the other idiots in the class will learn from it.
Even though I have been going on about the idiot-ness of law students and law school, I still haven’t proven why they are idiots. The main reason that law students are idiots is that they all think they are better and smarter than other because of the fact that they go to law school. Almost everyone at law school has a certain swagger about themselves that suggest to an outsider that they are doing something really hard and extremely important. WRONG! No, idiot you aren’t doing something important or hard and any other person who had an ounce of street smarts can do what you do if they chose to do it, but they have better things to do than that. People with street smarts are smart enough to not come to law school and can make a living doing something else because they are not afraid and don’t need their ego fanned. In any case though even if you were doing something important or hard it doesn’t give you a right to think that your value is more than someone who isn’t doing it, the value of a person is based on other factors, so suck-a-dick.
Now within the regular idiots there are the super idiots. The super idiots are those that not only talk a lot during class and always put in their two cents in every conversation, but also answer the obvious rhetorical questions that the professor (lead idiot) of the class poses. They always have something to say and are so far up a lead idiot’s ass that most of the time they look like a human size piece of shit. These super idiots not only gloat about how good they are and what jobs they’ve gotten, but they believe that they are entitled to everything that they have or even want. These people are also the biggest retards on the face of the planet because they absolutely cannot function in society. Even though they believe they can, they cannot. Proof of this fact is that they never have ideas that originate from their own thinking. Their ideas usually come from the new lead idiot whose ass they are currently residing in. Whenever their mouth opens its usually full of references to things such as their grades, their summer job, people they know and what those people do, and any popular culture references that they can think of. Example of a conversation with a super idiot:
Idiot: Hey man, how’s it going?
Super Idiot: (air of superiority) Just finished taking with Professor McCallister. We were going over my option for a new and exciting research project.
Idiot: Oh cool man. That’s super cool.
Super Idiot: Yeah,(like Borat) high five. Over the summer I’m going to be working with Holland & Knight and I can’t wait to be working with Mr. Knight because this rich lawyer friend of mine, Mr. Jackson, said that he is really phenomenal as a mentor.
Idiot: Cool man, I need to go to class. Later.
So as you can see this conversation had no substance. Any normal person who took part in this conversation would be dead by the end of it, either from drowning in bullshit or from blowing their brains out. In the latter case, the super idiot would keep talking and even bring in a name of a person they know who had this happen to them before and how another person had to defend a case when such an even occurred. As long as I’m here though I’ll be trapped in rooms that are full of idiots. This concludes my post and hopefully you have an understand of why law schools and their students are idiots.
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