My Commentary about the show and what should the black race heading into the future

How we live and how we influence American Culture. American culture is Black Culture, and when I say that what comes to mind is what the "Old Heads" like myself call the "wanna be's".
If you've noticed lately when you meet a foreign male or female it seems as if they got an update on how to make it in America, and Black is the new culture they go by. So how is it that someone from another culture or country can be blacker than African Americans. Brotha's and Sista's are noticing that they are in some way in a race to prove how they can be (In their Minds) can out black me. They way people came at Kobe was a clear way anyone trying to be black could have stood up for Kobe Bryant, but didn't. There was a time when white American's used slag as a way to show us they were down with us but now I'm not so sure about where we as a people are going. The question that comes to mind is this: Is black culture able to be leased or borrowed by people who have no interest regard in how we are treated in this country.