In the web design business you have to be ready on the fly. Editing Photos are one of two things, a.) with the right pictures more of the story is impacted on a higher level letting the audience paint the canvas in their mind before the story starts, b.) editing photos, this can take all day and trust me you'll be having fun, and you'll be productive but again this will take all day. Remeber editing 5 photos could take all day and only impact 1 story, so in te grand scheme of thing that ain't shit.
Who Is Your Person Of The Year, Is it You???

It should be you and I say that even if you think picking yourself is the most selfish choice, not saying your wrong, but here's my argument. I'm going to preface by saying "My Kids" of course your fucking kids we know that, this is coming from a place of you me and a couple other mother fucker's we doing an episode of survivor. The best way I can think of is being in a marathon!!! A race has to be looked at in many different ways divided by several ways it could work as well as fall apart. Businesses normally refer to this refer to this as either a Go-To-Market Strategy or a Burn-Down Strategy, and no this not a referance from "Bear Markets" (Doe Boy Protocol) rehashed. The person in any empire is the KING and as simple as this sounds it's not easy, mainly because most KINGS THINK BEING THE KING is giving orders, showing off in front of hoes, people doing what you say, people being fearful of your so-called wrath. That has nothing to do with the job description of a KING. A KING realizes that he or she is a developer, NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS. These people in our world have a GOD LIKE or GOD FATHER TYPE OF REPECT. I thought for a while about this dynamic for a few weeks before I decided to invest in writing about it. A developer has the vision to see projects that will maximize evryone around them because unless your a TEAM THIS WON'T WORK , but a developer will always see everthing from a prospective of ownership while others will think of all the fun they could have 1st. You have to be at the top of the list making plays for your team developing each member elevating the to a level that they've though they could rise to. Your job and roll in running producing the show is making sure it works like gears in an engine.
