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Hi We’re Apple, Now Kindly Give Us Your Money

Writer: Pcx Wall StPcx Wall St

Apple Retro 1

So you think you’re a hustler? What’s your hustle? Selling drugs, cds, dvds, clothes, etc.? Well you got nothing on this guy. This guy has not only sold you a product that will definitely not work in a year or so for a ridiculous price, but you can’t wait to get another. You hate other people who have a better one than and no one can get the product for “cheap.” And who is this person? Well, Apple of course. One of the biggest hustlers on the block of hustlers is Apple. No it’s not a street name for a drug dealer or a new rapper off of Def Jam, but it’s the computer company, Apple Computer Inc (oh I’m sorry for that strike through “computer,” I didn’t know that recently Apple removed “computer” from its company name in order to signify that they are going to take over the world, not just the computer world). Apple is such an accomplished and good hustler that rappers who rap about hustling or the people on the corner hustling are getting hustled by Apple. Aww naw Kid?!?!? I’m not being hustled, no one hustles me! Well I’m sorry to inform you Mr. Supposed Hustler, Apple is hustling you. How? You have an iPod? If yes, you’ve been hustled. The reason why there is a connection between owning an iPod and Apple’s boss or capo (depending on if you’re a Mac or a PC) status in hustling is because Apple makes massive amounts of bank off of the iPods that it sells. The manufacturing costs and the price that Apple sells iPods for are ridiculous. It costs, at a maximum, of $90 to make an iPod and they are selling them for around $250, so do the math. Of course the price adjusts up or down depending on what is inside, but on average the numerical breakdown is like that. Already there Apple is making bank, but also remember that every iPod that Apple sells opens a potential for the buyer of the iPod to buy other Apple products or products that are made for Apple products that Apple gets a cut off of. WHO DO YOU KNOW IN THE WORLD OF HUSTLING SOMEONE WHO HUSTLES LIKE THAT?!? No one, that’s who.

Admittedly I am also being hustled by Apple. My computer? MacBook Pro. My music player of choice? iPod. My phone? iPhone. How many iPods do my family and I have? 8 (mind you there are 5 people total in my family). Also I am one those people who gets really exited around January (for those of you who don’t know that is when Apple has one of its biggest functions to show new products). Everywhere you turn there is a reference to Apple. When you’re walking the street at least 1 out of every 5 people will have earphones hanging down from their ears, from their shirt or dangling outside of their pocket and surely enough at least 1 out of every 2 of those people will have the headphones connected to an Apple music product. When you go to a Starbucks, Coffee Bean, or any of your coffee houses you see douche bags working on their script on Macs. Not to mention all of those billboard ads, commercials, store fronts, and pop culture references to Apple. It’s pretty much like everyone is addicted to Apple and even thought we don’t need anything from them, they still make us want more.

Oh and by the way, Apple has just applied for a patent on a video gaming device and I can’t wait till January rolls around again


2 commentaires

Pcx Wall St
Pcx Wall St
12 avr. 2020

Determine How You’ll Allocate Your Money First, you need to create a budget to determine how much money you have to spend each month. Below are a few budgeting methods to consider. Whichever budgeting style you choose, make sure you have a good idea of what you can afford to spend in each of the categories you’ll track with the cash envelope method. Looking at your bank and credit card statements from the past few months and analyzing how you’ve been spending can be a great way to determine how you should budget your funds. The 50/30/20 Method: With this method, you dedicate 50% of your income to essentials like housing and groceries; 20% to financial goals like saving, investing and debt repayment; and…


Pcx Wall St
Pcx Wall St
16 mars 2020


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